
In 2024 the Woodgate & District Residents Association commenced a project to purchase and install defibrillators throughout Woodgate for public access.

Local community groups were invited to contribute with a financial donation of $2,000 each; the following groups made it possible to reach this goal by October.

    • Just Books
    • Woodgate Community Bus Inc.
    • Woodgate Community Events
    • Woodgate and District Residents Association Inc.

    Defibrillators are now installed at Theodolite Creek, Second Avenue, Banksia Park and Walkers Point.

    Defibs can also be accessed at local businesses and facilities including the Community Hall (originally donated by the Woodgate Tennis Club), Woodgate Beach Club, Woodgate Beach Hotel, NRMA Holiday Park and the Men’s Shed.

    To operate any of these units in the case of an emergency simply open the cabinet, take the portable defibrillator to the patient and follow the verbal prompts. Remember to call Triple Zero (000).

    Note: if a defibrillator is used by the public please contact the WDRA so that the unit can be serviced and the pads replaced.

    All units have been registered with Queensland Ambulance Service so should an incident occur where a heart attack is suspected the operator will be able to direct you to the closest unit.

    Theodolite Creek,
    amenities block
    Second Avenue,
    amenities block
    Banksia Park,
    amenities block
    Walkers Point,
    amenities block
    Community Hall,
    Seventh Avenue (located on the front external wall)
    NRMA Woodgate Beach Holiday Park,
    88 Esplanade (located on the office building external wall)
    Men’s Shed,
    Acacia Street
    Woodgate Beach Club,
    Kangaroo Court
    Woodgate Beach Hotel,
    195 Esplanade